
(Greek: a suffix; pertaining to; of the nature of, like; in chemistry, it denotes a higher valence of the element than is expressed by -ous)

arthrodynic (adjective), more arthrodynic, most arthrodynic
Referring to pain in the joints: John, the old farmer, felt the arthrodynic pain in the links between his bones most severely in the morning when it felt like every bone in his body was aching.
arthrokinetic (adjective), more arthrokinetic, most arthrokinetic
Characteristic of the movements of the body's connecting junctions: The remarkable arthrokinetic movements of Jack, the long distance runner, were recorded on film so future runners could study his techniques.
arthrotropic (adjective), more arthrotropic, most arthrotropic
A reference to torsion or a twisted condition of a limb: Adam was experiencing severe pain because of an arthrotropic turn which he made when he was trying to block an opposing football player.
artistic (adjective)
1. Relating to or characteristic of art or artists.
2. Sensitive to or appreciative of art or beauty: "They had an artistic temperament even as children."
3. Showing imagination and skill; such as, an artistic design.
ascetic (s) (noun), ascetics (pl)
1. The practice of self-denial or severe self-discipline for religious reasons: Historians report that many of the early Christian leaders were extreme ascetics who denied themselves normal physical pleasures and dedicated their lives to serving God.
2. A person who renounces material comforts and leads a life of austere self-discipline; especially, as an act of religious devotion: There have been ascetics who have devoted their lives to God with prayer, fasting, and consecration or solemn commitment to helping those who were in need of spiritual and physical help.
3. Etymology: used since about 1646, from Greek asketikos, "rigorously self-disciplined", from asketes, "monk, hermit"; from askein, "to exercise, to train"; originally, "to train for athletic competition, to practice gymnastics, to exercise".

The noun meaning "one of the early Christians who retired to the desert to live solitary lives of meditation and prayer" is from 1673.

Ascetic actually goes back to Greek asketes, "an athlete in training". The Greek word for athletic training is askesis, and from it we get ascesis, which means "rigorous self-discipline" or "training".

Very much the same thing is denoted by "asceticism", which was first used in English by Sir Thomas Browne in 1646.

A person who devotes himself or herself to religious activities.
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1. Relating to or resulting from an abnormal accumulation of protein and electrolyte rich fluid in the peritoneal cavity (a smooth transparent membrane that lines the abdomen and doubles back over the surfaces of the internal organs to form a continuous sac).
2. An accumulation of fluid serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity, causing abdominal swelling.
asemantic (adjective), more asemantic, most asemantic
Pertaining to having no meaning or showing no differences in meanings.
asemic (adjective), more asemic, most asemic
A reference or descriptive term for anyone who is unable to comprehend, to use, to understand, or to express any signs or symbols.
aseptic (adjective), more aseptic, most aseptic
1. Free from infection or harmful bacteria; sterile: The medical staff did everything possible to prepare an aseptic condition for Jim's daughter before the surgery took place.
2. The absence of harmful microorganisms: Hospitals are expected to make every effort to keep operating rooms aseptic so patients won’t be contaminated with infectious germs during an operation.
Sterilized and free from germs and harmful bacteria.
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The condition of containing only embryonic tissues.
asplenic (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to the removal and absence of the spleen: The asplenic person is someone who no longer has the saclike mass of lymphoid tissue called the spleen that is normally located in the left upper quarter of the abdomen, just below the diaphragm and behind the stomach.

Asplenic people have lost an organ that performs important functions related to both the immune and the cardiovascular systems.

A statistic which requires further explanation or qualification, making it less valid.
1. Relating to or exhibiting asthenia; weak.
2. Having a slender, lightly muscled physique.
astigmatic (adjective), more astigmatic, most astigmatic
Relating to a defect in the eye, or in a lens caused by a deviation from spherical curvature, which prevents light rays from meeting at a common focus and so results in distorted images.

An astigmatic condition is a disorder of vision; usually, due to misshapen corneas in the eyes such that light does not focus correctly on the retinas and so a person can only see blurred images.

Non-random or without conjecture.